Start Saying No, and Yes to Yourself

I think it was the Jim Carrey movie, "Yes Man" that first got me thinking about being a "Yes person." The idea is to begin a collection of experiences with positive affirmation, to change your life. The problem though, is that it's actually always been more difficult for me to say, "No." Just months ago, I decided to give my 8-5 job in finance a big ol' "NOPE!" Anxious all the time, and waking up depressed about going in to work, I decided to really listen to my heart. Why was I so miserable? I had great benefits, a salary that most my age would be excited about, and by all societal standards I should be happy - but I wasn't. Because I wasn't serving my soul. I wasn't doing what I loved or honoring my passions. So I quit. I quit being blamed for my bosses problems and quit the business of other-people pleasing; I quit the benefits, salary and steady hours; I quit ignoring my innermost desires. I ditched the work dres...