A Spiritual Being Having A Human Experience

"The essential lesson I've learned in life is to just be yourself. Treasure the magnificent being that you are and recognize first and foremost you're not here as a human being only. You're a spiritual being having a human experience." - Wayne Dyer Early in February, I met a lady who I've come to affectionately refer to as a spiritual advisor. Her life's work is a vast understanding of the subconscious. In one of our first conversations, she gave me the name of someone else I should connect with professionally. I happened to know this person already, but shortly after I started subbing yoga classes for her and we began getting to know one another on a more personal level. Eventually, this friend referred me to the owner of Red Dirt Running Company to be a vendor for the Cornhusker State Games earlier this summer. While at the State Games, I met a couple who approached me after reading my "YOGA by Brittney" sign. The lady, who I'll ...