What is Yoga?
There is much more to yoga than meets the eye. The practice of yoga was developed in ancient India over 5,000 years ago by monks and other enlightened beings for health, happiness and longevity. Following is a very brief and simplistic overview outlining what Raj yoga, or Ashtanga yoga is according to Patanjali's Sutras, from my Advanced Teacher Training lecture notes. The goal of yoga is union of the self with the supreme reality. There are eight limbs. 1. The Yamas {Purification of Nature}: a) Ahimsa (non-violence), b) Satya (truthfulness), c) Asteya (not stealing), d) Aparigraha (non-collection), e) Brahmacharya (non-indulgence) 2. The Niyamas {Purification of Nature} : a) Saucha (cleanliness), b) Santosha (contentment), c) Tapas (self-discipline), d) Svadhyaya (self-study), e) Ishuara Pranidhana (surrender to God) 3. Asana {Purification of the Body} : The physical practice of yoga postures 4. Pranayama {Purification of Energy} : Breathing exercises to control th...