
Showing posts from February, 2016

Short Ditty On My Spirituality

Look to this day,  For it is life,  The very life of life.  In its brief course lie all The realities and verities of existence,  The bliss of growth,  The splendor of action,  The glory of power -  For yesterday is but a dream,  And tomorrow is only a vision,  But today, well lived,  Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness  And every tomorrow a vision of hope.  Look well, therefore, to this day.  Sanskrit proverb by Kalidasa Fifth century A.D.  I found this beautiful sanskrit teaching within the first few pages of some of my AA literature. Sanskrit is a rich, ancient, Indic language used in yoga to define the asanas (poses). The Hindu scriptures are written in sanskrit.  There are no accidents or coincidences in my life. I love yoga and 12 step programs because both are spiritual ways of life, but neither are religions. Both encompass religious teachings and yet neither impose.  ...

Soul School

I believe life is just school for your eternal soul. Yoga is the vehicle through which I choose to learn and apply myself.  It is everything to me - a gift, a resource, therapy, exercise, meditation, medicine... I believe I was born to teach this practice. Yoga is my talent, my passion and the thing that inspires me most.  The ultimate goal of Yoga, which literally means Union, is to connect your physical, emotional, spiritual, etheric, mental and energetic bodies with that of the universe. Yoga is not a  religion, but a deep science of chakra activation to develop your body, mind and spirit - leading you to higher levels of awareness and consciousness. The most important aspect of yogic philosophy is based on self-realization.  Yoga is a powerful, historical tool to help blossom you into your full human potential.  The practice provides means to burn through your blocks, transform suffering into happiness and sickness to health.  Like life...