When Meditation Backfires, Fire Back

A regular silent meditation practice has powerfully transformed my life. It's the time I take to listen to God. In those still, quiet moments, I often receive creative insight or divine inspiration. About 6 months ago, I felt as if I was walking hand in hand with the spirit of the universe. After a long period of meditation, a flame was lit within and a fire began to burn, fueling me to write "My Truth" and reveal "What's Under My Yoga Pants" - believing that my willingness to be vulnerable might help or encourage someone also struggling with addiction, alcoholism, anxiety or depression to not be ashamed. To get help. Have hope. That things can change... I shared the blogs on my personal social media pages in a humble, brave and courageous effort put myself out there, somehow for a greater good. And despite my intended message - that no one is perfect, mistakes are a part of life, and the world needs more acceptance, compassion, togetherness...