
Showing posts from May, 2017

Bloom Where You Are Planted

I haven't been too inspired to write lately, but the truth is, sometimes it's just about starting. I've felt like if I didn't have some profound message, it wouldn't be worth reading. But God speaks to me through people. How am I to know how what I say will affect others? I trust the words will find the hearts it's meant to... and I still stand by sharing My Truth and revealing What's Under My Yoga Pants , despite the Lemon I was dealt as a result. Now that I'm in a new area, I think it's important for those just meeting me to know my authentic self. I write a lot about my recovery from alcohol and addiction . I had a "burning bush" experience after working my twelve steps, and knew I was meant to leave my stressful, draining job, take a leap of faith, trust the universe and follow my heart, pursuing my passion. That's how YOGA by Brittney was birthed. I'll be 18 months sober on May 20th - One day shy of my first weddin...