Our Birthing Story

Lennon Lake was born 5/23/19 at 6:26pm EST - 38w 6d My mom flew in from Nebraska Tuesday, 5/21; JC and I’s third Wedding Anniversary. I began oiling myself {more} w/ rose hip, frankincense, and clary sage. Massaging my feet. Wednesday we toured Lennon’s future daycare and colleagues threw me a shower. I also had a doctors appointment where I learned my cervix was, “long, hard and thick.” - “Shut down for business,” so I thought. An induction was scheduled for the 5th of June. I was experiencing a lot of nerve pain up my spine and felt so disheartened by the appointment. We had dinner at my Mother-in-Law’s, and I drank a small amount of castor oil w/ warm orange juice, followed by peppermint tea and a long walk... Could be wives' tale; could’ve worked! — I got the recipe from my neighbor who has a 1yr old. She too thought baby would come late and her MIL gave her the “cocktail.” Contractions started at 4am 5/23, Thursday morning. By 6am contractions were four minutes...